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Industrial Water Treatment

Odor Control

Chlorine dioxide controls odor in two ways: by controlling microorganisms that form odor-causing hydrogen sulfide and by destroying hydrogen sulfide odors through chemical oxidation. Using an odor scrubber, chlorine dioxide solutions may be added directly to water containing the odorous compounds.

Odor Scrubbers & Cooling Towers

Cooling towers are a prime environment for the buildup of microorganisms. Maintaining control of this buildup is essential for efficient operation of the cooling loop. This can be successfully achieved with the use of chlorine dioxide. The microorganisms build slime layers and other colonies, which can result in several serious problems: increased deposits, buildup of odors and slime due to the adhesive nature of the biofilm layer, loss of heat transfer due to the insulating nature of inorganic deposits, increased corrosion rates due to “under deposit corrosion,” and increased consumption of power due to the restriction by the deposition. The injection of chlorine dioxide into the recirculation of the cooling towers alleviates these issues and also causes less wear and tear on the equipment.

Pulp Bleaching

Chlorine dioxide is widely used for bleaching pulp. It is also a very effective biocide to control process water and wastewater environmental issues associated with mill and process water. Because chlorine dioxide has unique biocidal properties, it can also be used effectively as a disinfectant, algaecide, and oxidizer in influent process waters and wastewaters.

Paper Slimicide

Acting as a wet end slimicide, the benefits of chlorine dioxide include highly cost-effective microbiological control, extended run ability of paper machines, lower corrosion rates on machine metallurgy, reduced boil-out frequency of stock chests, and highly cost-effective microbiological control.

CIP Sanitizer

For clean-in-place (CIP) applications, water is injected directly into a facility’s fluid distribution network and circulated for a set duration of time. Compared with traditional chlorine chemicals or hot water, overall chemical costs are reduced, sewage disposal costs are lowered or eliminated, and system deterioration is diminished.

Wastewater Disinfection

Chlorine dioxide’s effectiveness is not limited to just odor-related problems. When used in water disinfection, it does not form chlorinated or brominated by-products, such as trihalomethanes (THMs) or haloacetic acids (HAAs), both of which cause concern for health and will soon come under strict regulatory limits. Use of chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant is already approved and used by the U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water.